Break Through S1 Ep3

IT’S OCTOBER!!!  I’m so excited about this month of movies and it has been so tough not to say anything about it haha.  

All month long, the Let’s Watch A Movie Together gang have curated our own special week of spooky movies. Expect a little something extra each week, about why we chose these particular movies.  Here’s this week’s list. I know that some of us are on different time zones, so if anyone would like to schedule their own same day viewing (like a 2pm CST for people overseas) in addition to our regular 9pm CST viewings…Go For It!

This week’s special guest playlist curator is Lee Horton. Lee played bass for both Billy & the Lost Boys AND a solo tour I did last year, with Let’s Watch A Movie Together founding member Toph Barnes on drums. There was a 12 year gap between these collaborations.

Hopefully we can play some shows together again in another 12 years.

Lee is a piercer and laser technician in London, Ontario. Hear why he picked his movies, and how COVID-19 has impacted his life and industry.

October 5 to October 11 – Lee Horton

Make Me Laugh Monday: Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (Netflix)
Teenage Us-es Tuesday: The Craft (Showtime) Get
Weird Wednesday: Pet Sematary (Prime)
Throwback Thursday: Hocus Pocus (Disney+)
Freaky Friday: The Conjuring (Rent for $3.99)
Super Scary Saturday: Insidious (Netflix)
Super Scary Sunday: Cabin Fever (Rent for $3.99)

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Break Through S1 Ep 01 (New Podcast Episode)

Well. Here is Episode 1 of Break Through. I hope to get better at this, every aspect of it.

My intention is to post something, either a conversation or anecdote once a week.

This week I wanted to share with you some of the ways that I have been spending my time, as some of us have a little bit of extra time. My big themes this week are: Learning, and Movies. So here’s what I’ve been learning, and what I’ve noticed within that.

Whatever War You’re Fighting (Send A Raven Video)

Send A Raven is a project I’ve been writing with featuring Chris McDonald, Toph Barnes and 70s Kevin. We all write and play a couple instruments. 70s Kevin put this video together. Ir reminded me of how many laughs we’ve had. We almost have enough songs to release our first album. About half of the songs we’ve started recording and the other half are written just waiting to be recorded.