I Like…Bowling!??!
Today started out with my regular ol’ jaunt to the gym. Did I mention I’m learning how to box???
Randy was tracking all day so I sat out in the sun and felt like a degenerate for a bit before joining him in the studio. Take your Girlfriend to Work Day is FUN! Here are some shots from Behind the Scenes:
After Take Your Girlfriend to Work Day we went bowling at Jerry’s Diner with producer Phil X, his wife and their two friends.
I will not lie…it started out disastrous. The last time I had been bowling I was likely in grade school and I had no concept of how in the world to do this crazy bowling thing.
I got 6 gutter balls in a row.
But, with everyone’s support, encouragement and tips, by the next game I got 2 strikes and a couple Whatever That Thing Is Called That’s Not A Strike But It’s Still Pretty Good.
Check this little guy out…does he look like he hates his job or what!?!?
Here’s one of Randy being So Good At Bowling. Not fair!!!
Little Known Fact Day 9: Sometimes I have writer’s block for a year at a time. This is one of those years.
Incredible! This kind of incredible discussing. thank you excellent!